No, the islands are flat, flat, flat. The
only place you'll find anything close to a hill is if you bike the
causeway - riding up the bridges will give you a good hill workout.
Yes, but the shoulders are narrow to non-existant,
so be prepared to "take the lane".
The speed limit for cars is 30 MPH.
Pedestrians are not allowed on the causeway roads.
Here are
more details about the causeway.
Depending on whether you're on foot or on bike, your ability to carry things may vary.
Here's what we generally pack for bike rides.
- Water - this is Florida, and it can get hot.
But even on cool days, you need to stay hydrated - when exercising, drink before you get thirsty.
- Swimsuit - what could be more refreshing than a dip in the Gulf, after a nice bike ride or run!
- Cell phone/camera - be on the lookout for interesting wildlife, beautiful flowers, or scenic ocean vistas,
and you may want quick access to your mapping app and/or this website!
- Cash - you may decide to drop by for a visit at one of the island's many attractions, or just pick up a drink or bite to eat somewhere.
- Rain jacket - check the weather forecast if you plan to be out for a while.
- Sunscreen - again, this is Florida.